What is monetigo?

Monetigo allows to establish and to maintain direct relationships between the Advertisers and the Publishers (owners of websites) in terms of conducting affiliate programs and effective campaigns.

Using monetigo, you can launch your own affiliate program or advertising campaign accounted by the effect anytime, without engaging your IT resources.

Being a publisher, through monetigo you gain access to a large number of programs and campaigns, in order to monetize your advertising space.

What are affiliate programs?

Affiliate Program is a form of cooperation between a company (an advertiser), which sells products or services, and a publisher, which advertises them.

One of the most popular models of cooperation between an advertiser and a publisher is: CPS (Cost Per Sale).
In this model the advertiser pays the publisher commission on sales realized by customers that were recommended by him.

CPL (Cost Per Lead)

The advertiser pays the publisher for particular actions done by users that were recommended by him, e.g. registration on the website, signing for the newsletter, completing a survey or a contact form.

CPC (Cost Per Click)

The advertiser pays the publisher for every click on the link a recommended user makes.

CPM (Cost Per Thousand)

(M = 1000)
The advertiser pays the publisher for providing 1000 views of the advertisement.

With monetigo you determine the conditions of cooperation with websites by yourself.

Through our platform, you have complete control over the advertising budget and you can monitor the efficiency of your Program or Campaign.

Monetigo helps everyone who conducts activities in the Internet.

E-commerce stores, wholesales, distributors, brand owners, banking and para-banking institutions, insurance companies, credit unions, companies providing services, web services, websites, blogs, firms and private individuals – they all can use monetigo to promote and sell their services and products.

Monetigo - relacje pomiędzy reklamodawcą a wydawcą

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